McKenzie's Farm is excited to announce that we will be offering our CSA program again!

2025 CSA deadline is June 1st

What is the McKenzie Farm CSA program?

If you purchase a share, think of this as a ‘house account’ at McKenzie’s Farm. Your name, information and balance will be stored in our computer system which will allow you to come to the farm and purchase whatever produce or products you need!

Full Share $500.00 (entitles shareholder to $550 at McKenzie’s Farm)
Half Share $250.00 (entitles shareholder to $275 at McKenzie’s Farm)

CSA member benefits include:

  • A gift of 10% on share purchase price from Yours Truly
  • Email updates giving advance notice for upcoming sales and specials
  • Sales and specials reserved for CSA members
  • Members pick up items 7 days a week during normal business hours (9:00am-6:00pm) during the open season (mid May through November)
  • A warm and fuzzy feeling knowing YOU helped a local farm and supported the Buy Local Movement

Member Agreement

  • My share of $500 or $250 entitles me to $550 or $275 respectively. I understand that my share is only valid during the 2024 season and if there is any amount left on the card at the close of our season, it cannot be used during the following year.
  • Large orders or bulk quantities are not guaranteed and need to be called in prior to pick up.
  • Discounts on produce during the season are decided by McKenzie’s Farm employees only
  • Walking tours will be scheduled at the discretion of McKenzie’s Farm employees only
  • Members may use their CSA Card towards anything at our farmstand: produce, ice cream, U-Pick items, pies, donuts, cheese, soda, candles, soaps, etc. EXCLUDED: purchasing gift certificates with CSA cards.
  • Members may not use their CSA Cards at any of the Farmer’s Markets we attend (Portsmouth, Dover, Exeter, or Durham)- CSA Cards are only valid at the farm stand in Milton an Wakefield.
  • Payment and contract must be received by June 1st 2024. Only Checks or cash are accepted. (sorry no credit cards)

If you would like to join our CSA, please email us at mckenziesfarm@gmail.com or fill out the application below and mail it to the farm.

Thank you for your interest and support of Mckenzie's Farm